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Pak lalala song

Contributed by Anonymous

Ni special sikit(malas nk antar qat ong putih nya)
Speculations,as to the dates of the general elections was finally put to rest after announcement by the Prime Minister
declare the 8th of March,the polling date

A date significant as it share two others auspicious occasions.......
First Internasional Woman's Day and The birthday of Dato Seri Samy Velu.
So that in mind......
let the parties begin!!!!!!!!!Nyanyi tau
Many questions on my mind,now that it is, election time of year.
With promises and allegations and one million hanging posters to consider.
Oh what a task.the vote to cast

BN...DAP...PKR...or PAS?
So what to choose so I used
Radio TV Malaysia Broadcast
(and all I heard is)

Pak La la la
Pak la la,give you warning (Wow wow wow)
Pak la la la.... (he said)
Be thankful what that you are having
(Don't forget May 13th)

Jangan jangan lah!!
Dengar opposition party
(Bila undi nanti)

Bagi bagi lah!
Bagi ...BN.... Majo o rity(majority)
Strange at the end,of the day
Doesn't RTM have nothing else to say?
So I thought, I'll check it out
with the news on the Net in cyberspace.
So on my laptop I then typed out

"Politics and the Future of Malaysia"
Oh what a shock!From what I read
I better get..
the HELL out of here!
(And all the bloggers saying)

Pak la la la la........
Pak la la
He always sleeping
(All the time you see lah)

Pak la la la la's......
His in law-outlaw do the ruling
(Controlling from the 4th floor)

Enough is enough!
(aiiyah this time!)
Vote the opposition party
(Time to make a change lah!)

Jangan jangan lah..
Give ....BN......two third majo o rity.
For 13 days,of campaigns
What a pain!and mental aggravation
My doctor said,clear your head have instead
A happy imagination.
Till March the 8th,
my mind is made,my only thoughts
until the polling station
Celebrating Women's Day
And one condescending,Indian's birthday
(And now be singing)

Selamat lamat.........
Selamat lamat Selamat Hari Jadi (Oooooo)
Selamat Jalan.....
We heard you're leaving the party
(And to the woman I say)

Selalu lalu.....
selalu cinta dalam hati (Oooooo)
Selamat lamat.....
Sama kita BERUNDI
~tak dah tension lagi
~Ar!Don't think of all this thing ar!
~Ingat lah Hari Jadi
~Hey!Who's birthday ar?
~Hey!You not invited?
~Aku ingat puteri pula
~Orang kata undi,kamu kata puteri pula!Engkau ni ah!Heh heh heh

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