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After a hard day at the office

Contributed by JeWWz

After a hard day at the office, three guys decide to go out for a cocktail to wind down. The bar becomes very crowded, a few drinks turns into many and soon everyone is tanked. All three lose track of each other and end up going home separately.

The next day at the office, the three gather by the watercooler to discuss the past evening's events. The first guy says, "I got so drunk last night that I went home and blew chunks."

The second guy pipes up: "That's nothing. I got so drunk that I got in my car and drove it right into a telephone pole. Totaled it. I didn't get hurt, but now I have no car."

The third guy says, "Well, I got so drunk that when I got home, I cussed my girlfriend out and knocked over a candle which lit the apartment on fire. She dumped me, all my belongings are destroyed and the home insurance won't cover the damage."

The first guys motions the two to come closer and whispers, "I'm not sure you guys understand.......Chunks is my dog."

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